"Never stop investing.
Never stop improving.
Never stop doing something new."

Bob Parsons | Tech Entrepreneur, Billionaire, and Philanthropist


The accelerating pace of global technological change disrupts markets and societies in which it operates, bringing enthusiastic tech investors and savvy tech entrepreneurs with high-yield financial growth opportunities.

Manu Venture Private Limited, a tech-oriented investment firm, is here to help those who wish to grow and realize the endless potential inherent in this ever-growing field.


Tech Investor

Join our selected group of high net worth investors and get exclusive access to a diverse selection of high-yield investment opportunities.


Tech Entrepreneur

Tell us about your most pioneering brainchild technology and we'll do everything in our power to take your creation forward.


Our Portfolio

Manu Venture Private Limited invests in a broad spectrum of promising tech and IT related investments, spanning across diverse fields including software, biomed, healthcare, agriculture, transportation, infrastructures, retail and much more.

Have a look at some of our latest investments and acquisitions >>

Pitch Your Idea

If you are a talented entrepreneur with a pioneering brainchild technology in your hand, we would love to hear about it, join forces and help you take it to the next level.
To enjoy our extensive network of high net worth investors and years of hands-on experience in taking tech creations from concept to exit, pitch your idea: